Fred Rogers: Writers Neighborhood
2023 Writers’ Neighborhood
Program Overview
The Fred Rogers Productions Writers' Neighborhood for emerging writers focuses on how to build and sustain a career as a freelance writer in children's media. Program participants will learn from the current writers, story editors, head writers, and producers working on the children's series FRP currently produces for PBS KIDS, including Donkey Hodie, Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, and Alma's Way, as well as other top industry creatives.
We look forward to bringing in a diverse group of talent because building one's career is not just about "who you know," but also "who knows you."
FRP values the enrichment that results from working with partners having diverse experiences and backgrounds. Accordingly, BIPOC writers and writers who are members of other traditionally underrepresented communities in the children’s media industry are encouraged to apply.
Read More- The Program is open only to individuals who are 21 years of age or older as of the date of entry; and who are:
- (a) citizens of the United States or (b) a permanent resident of the United States;
- who have not had extensive media writing experience such as having written more than four (4) episodes for a United States-based network or cable scripted/narrative series.
- The candidate's basic information (including their name and age), up-to-date contact information (including an email address and phone numbers), and demographical information, as required by the application;
- A copy of the candidate's resumé; NO PHOTOS PLEASE
- A reply of 400 words or less for each of the following prompts:
- “Review a children's show not associated with Fred Rogers Productions for preschool (ages 2-6) or bridge (ages 4-8) from among the following screenwriting categories: dialog, character differentiation, arc, and theme, and describe what works and what does not.”
- “What are some things you want to learn about building your career or honing your craft as a writer in children’s media? Note: Please provide specific examples but do not include biographical information.”
- A script sample
Submit a writing sample script (the Creative Submission) for one, 11-minute* (11-15 pages) or one, 22-minute (maximum 30 pages) episode of an existing show* that is animation or live-action and include a logline. Please note original samples, if intended for children two to eight (2-8) years old, are also acceptable. However, spec scripts based on existing shows are strongly recommended. The Creative Submission shall not include any characters, brands, or elements owned and controlled by Fred Rogers Productions.
*See “What are the script sample and résumé requirements?” in the FAQs.
Application opens on Monday, April 1, 2024 at 12:00 am ET and closes on Friday, May 3, 2024 at 11:59 pm PT.
Add to your email contacts to avoid missed messages about your application.